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Best Non Invasive Fat Reduction


Non-invasive fat reduction can refer to several different procedures that are non-surgical and can help reduce the number of fat cells a person has in a specific area.

These techniques are great alternatives for people who don’t necessarily need a surgery but still aren’t happy with their weight or appearance. The best non-invasive fat reduction procedure is going to vary from person to person based on their medical history and preferences.


Cryolipolysis, or fat freezing, is a newer but increasingly popular choice for fat reduction. Generally, fat cells are more sensitive to cold temperatures so they will die when exposed them, while the surrounding cells do not. This technique targets fat cells within a fatty bulge and does not utilize anesthesia. The area will be measured and marked so that the applicator settings can be adjusted to the proper size and curvature. Then a gel protector pad will be placed over the area of concern and the applicator will be applied.

Once the applicator is initiated, the fatty bulge will be sucked into a hollow portion of the machine. The machine’s internal temperature will drop to the range of negative eleven to positive five degrees Celsius. Some patients report discomfort as the bulge is initially taken into the applicator , but it is minor and typically dissipates. This process usually continues for approximately an hour, during which the patient can talk, text, and is generally relaxed. Once the suction is discontinued and the applicator is removed, the area should be massaged. Afterwards, the patient is free to do as they want. This is considered one of the best non-invasive fat reduction techniques because it doesn’t require anesthesia and most people qualify. However, patients with conditions that make them sensitive to cold should consider other options.


Radiofrequency Lipolysis

Radiofrequency lipolysis utilizes radio-frequencies to apply heat to fat cells. This procedure is actually performed without the applicator directly making skin contact. Additionally, this procedure doesn’t require the use of anesthesia. The goal of this procedure is also to reduce the number of fat cells in an area. This technique typically takes only thirty minutes per session but may require multiple sessions for optimal results. This may be the best non-invasive fat reduction procedure for people with less time to dedicate per session or with cold sensitivities.

Laser Lipolysis

Laser lipolysis uses lasers to destroy fat cells while leaving the surrounding cells intact. Once again, no anesthesia is required. The area will be marked and the applicator will be applied directly to the skin. Patients usually report a cooling sensation as the application begins, which can rotate between cool, warm, and tingling sensations throughout the session. There is no recovery period following the sessions, which are usually just under a half hour. The location of the fat may limit the effectiveness for some patients.

Injection Lipolysis

Injection lipolysis can be the best non-invasive fat reduction technique for patients who are needed smaller areas treated. This is often performed under local anesthesia because the needle insertion and actual injection can cause pain or discomfort. After the anesthesia has been injected, a grid pattern for injection locations will be marked on the area. Then deoxycholic acid, which is a chemical that kills fat cells, will be injected into these notated locations. This often takes two to six sessions to achieve the desired results.

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